December 5th, 2020
Mount Baldy Village Church
6757 Bear Canyon Dr,
Mt Baldy, CA 91759
~ reception, dinner and dance to follow ~
Our registries are all aggregated at www.myregistry.com/giftlist/AnthonyandTiffany
We are registered at:
• Target — tgt.gifts/AnthonyAndTiffanySalerno
• Mattress Firm — https://www.mattressfirm.com/makeapayment?orderId=S032722382
Also, we are happy to receive gift cards to Amazon, Ikea, Target, and Bed Bath and Beyond.
Thank you so much for supporting our marriage and giving to us as we start this new chapter of life together! We are eager to serve the Lord in greater ways and step into even more of His promises.
The church parking lot is very small. Some parking is available along the street. Additional parking is located in the parking lot of the reception venue ¼ mile up the street from the church. To accommodate you, we will provide a van to shuttle people between those locations before and after the wedding. Please allow additional time the day of the wedding to secure parking.
The reception will be held in a small rustic venue in Mt Baldy ¼ mile up the street from the church.
Our Story : The Beginning
Anthony Salerno and Tiffany Roney met at CBS Studios in Hollywood on Anthony’s birthday in September 2018. That morning, when he woke up, God told him something he had never heard before: “You’re meeting your wife today.”
Anthony was amazed, excited and ready.
That evening at CBS, he was working for Lee Benton Ministries, the host of the monthly event, and Tiffany was working for Meri Crouley Ministries, a special guest at the venue. Tiffany had been told previously by a prophet that the first time her husband noticed her, she would be dancing freely in worship.
It was during the worship time that night that Anthony first noticed her.
After the worship time, Anthony watched how Tiffany served Meri and thought, “This girl moves how I move. She flows how I flow. This is a girl I could flow with.” Basically a modern-day version of “Bone of my bone; flesh of my flesh” (Genesis #). Standing next to Tiffany afterward, he started thinking about raising children with her someday and hoped he would get to kiss her soon.
Tiffany had always wanted to have a picture with her future husband the first time that she met him, and she told the Lord that, but she wasn’t sure how he was going to do it. How would she know it was the guy? She wasn’t going to just ask every young man she met to take a picture with her.
But in the midst of her conversation with Anthony, a photographer rolled up in a wheelchair asking to take their picture. He had brought his printer and immediately printed out pictures of the pair together for them each to take home.
Knowing she was his wife, Anthony framed his photo and prayed over it daily. Thinking he was just another flirty fellow, Tiffany lost hers within 24 hours. (She was a little slow to get the picture.)
A month later, she told the Lord, “God, you told me to record a children’s album, but I don’t have money for that, so you’re just going to have to give me free studio time.” Within a week, Anthony called her, offering her free studio time to record her children’s album in exchange for art directing his short film.
When Tiffany got off the phone, she told the Lord, “I feel like he likes me,” and something to the effect of, “I don’t really want to get entangled with that.” It sounded messy, scary and problematic.
But God responded, “Don’t you realize this is an answer to your prayer?”
From Anthony’s perspective, his dad asked him at lunch around that time, “When are you ever going to meet a nice girl?” Thinking of a Tiffany, he replied, “I already have, Dad.” Anthony decided that working together on a short film he wrote about marriage would be a perfect way to build his relationship with his future wife, so he called her with the offer.
Despite her fears, Tiffany listened to God and said yes to the project, not realizing it would lead to many more answered prayers - beyond what she could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
For the rest of the story — how work morphed into romance, how he proposed to her and more —
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