Anthony Salerno
Anthony Salerno gets energized by sharing his faith with those who don’t yet know Christ, helping believers grow from passive Christianity to dynamic discipleship, and inspiring people to fulfill their God-given destinies.
Anthony comes from a line of ministers who have served in advisory roles to key leaders and brought people to Jesus from many walks of life. He experienced his own transformation when he changed from following God externally in his outward behavior to becoming a true lover of Jesus with a heart after God. As a speaker and friend, he compels others to do the same.
In addition to speaking, Anthony works as a producer and director in music and film, and he finds purpose in bringing hope through the arts. Still, his number-one passion is life-changing moments. Guiding a person from darkness to light, from selfishness to sacrificial love, and from blindness to seeing the truth that sets them free — those are the moments he lives for.