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Milestone Marker

Writer: Tiffany SalernoTiffany Salerno

Today is a special day because it marks 5 years since I first moved to Los Angeles on October 1st, 2018.

God has done so much in my life these last 5 years, including:

  • Getting me married. (!!!) To the amazing filmmaker, photographer, and music producer Anthony Salerno.

  • Bringing other amazing people into my life. One of the people I’ve been really blessed by is, as I knew her, “the Holywood girl,” because I’d read her blog when I lived in Kansas. Though I met Christi Given shortly before my move to LA (on a trip in summer 2018), over the last five years, she has become one of my closest friends. Another notable set of people He brought into my life: the pioneers of Christian kids music in the US, Tony & Kathy Salerno. (Before there was Veggie Tales, before there was Psalty, there were “The Music Machine” and “Bullfrogs and Butterflies!”) This is especially important for me because I do kids’ music. And now they’re my in-laws! God also brought into my life many other amazing people who have helped and supported me along the way. (If I start listing, I feel like I'll never finish. But one I will note here since this is a blog post, is Kelry Kirschenmann, who helped extensively with our wedding and our website!)

  • Having me start working in the entertainment industry, in front of and behind the camera. I believe He granted me many of those open doors because I went in with a mindset to minister. It's all about Jesus!

  • Growing me in evangelism. (Shoutout to Radiance International - Hollywood House of Prayer for encouraging me in this gifting!) The Lord has helped me step out in faith to speak about Jesus on set and at “random” everyday places like the post office and the grocery store! Most of the time, people are much more open and ready to hear about Jesus than you would expect. The harvest really is ripe; it’s just that the workers are few. So, be a worker for God!

I have grown so much in these 5 years — especially from doing things afraid and seeing God come through. I’ve also learned from times when I unfortunately didn’t step out to do things God called me to do, and I’ve learned from those too — how poorly they went and how I missed out on good things from God, but most importantly, how I hurt God’s heart by not trusting Him. I’ve come to see that His commands really are for our good, every time. And He will use us — little ol’ us! — to show people how good He is, if we will only say yes.

Now, today is Day 1 of my 6th year in the Los Angeles area. And I’m being called now to trust Him in new ways! Maybe He’s calling you to trust Him more too.

God may not be calling you to move halfway across the country, but He could be calling you to:

  • Speak up for Him at work

  • Stop and pray with someone who tells you a need

  • Sign up for something that scares you because you’re afraid you’re gonna fail

  • Something else!

Whatever He’s calling you to — where God guides, He provides; if it’s His will, it’s His bill; and if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Even if you have to do it afraid, just do it. But here’s a truth: the more you immerse yourself in God’s love, the less afraid you’ll feel. (Shoutout to Discipleship Now for helping me grow in this! Their ministry is an excellent resource.)

So — trust and obey. Take that step of faith.

You’ll find God in His Word — and you’ll find Him in the adventure.


Also, shoutout and thank you to Mt Baldy Village Church for our ever-increasing involvement there and for all their love toward Anthony & me. This little country church has really surprised and overwhelmed me with how much some people really do love us and others, through Christ in them.



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