You guys. There is such a testimony behind this moment! ✨
So this photo with entertainment industry legend Pat Boone is from this week, but this story begins on April 6, 2019 — the day before Anthony’s & my surrender day that created our surrender anniversary, April 7.
April 7 was a victory, but April 6 felt like a loss.
On Saturday the 6th, of April 2019, I sabotaged something. Anthony invited me to come quickly to a music studio where he said there were some people he wanted me to meet. He specifically told me to “hurry.”
However, I didn’t come for hours. ⏰
It wasn’t that I didn’t want to; it’s just that I faced a battle.
I will summarize what held me up as spiritual warfare in what Joyce Meyer calls, “The Battlefield of the Mind.” When the intimidating, belittling, ridiculing voice in my mind that had been attacking me finally lessened and I felt comfortable to drive to the studio, I found out who had just left: Pat Boone.
I was so disappointed!
That day in 2019, I still got to see Pat’s studio, assist Anthony in packing up from the shoot, and go out to a late dinner with Anthony and other members of the team, who are special people in their own right, but I knew I had missed the main event. And the more I learned about Pat, the more I realized how true that was. For those who don’t know, Pat Boone is a devoted follower of Christ who has achieved a lengthy list of successes — spanning several decades! — in music, film, and TV, while remaining faithful to his family and to God.
Well, this week, I was “randomly” thinking about that situation. On this particular day, I came to recognize for the first time some critical things about the warfare I experienced.
I had prayed before, at various times over the last five years, that God would bring it back around, but it was always for my benefit, like to relieve my regret, receive a special experience, and finally catch up to my husband, in-laws, and close friend who have all met and worked with him. Eventually, I thought I might have to give up hope after being told that, since he was in his upper 80s, he hardly went anywhere anymore.
This day, though, I prayed again. And this time, I prayed differently — with God’s will in mind, which was a markedly different intention and perspective.
I prayed something like,
“I realize that You wanted me to meet Pat Boone.
"So if You still want me to meet him for Your purpose — whether it’s just to bring me joy or whether it’s for a project or whatever it may be, I pray that You would bring that back around, in your perfect way, in Your perfect timing. Not for me but for You.”
Well, that very evening — the same day that I prayed — I ended up getting to help Anthony film a jazz show of one of Pat Boone’s signed artists and, as you can see, getting to meet Pat Boone himself.
When his artist announced from the stage that Pat was in the building, I recalled my prayer from that very day. Stunned and grateful, I instantly knew I was meeting Pat that night.
Even going to a jazz club with Anthony was an answer to prayer.
He had invited me to go with him to a jazz club while pursuing me but I turned him down. It wasn’t that I completely didn’t want to go, but I was divided and couldn’t bring myself together to give him my yes. I later regretted it and asked him if we could go sometime, but that particular place closed permanently in 2020.
So, I had asked the Lord a while back if we could please someday go on a date to any jazz club. 🎷
And now, here we were — at a jazz club — with Pat Boone.
I sensed these words inside my heart:
“Welcome to redemption.” 🌈
When I met Pat, he was welcoming and friendly. It seemed like he loved everybody. I told him that I’m the daughter-in-law of Tony & Kathy Salerno, and he remembered working with them on their kids’ music projects. (Pat had contributed vocals to their “Music Machine,” “Bullfrogs and Butterflies,” and “Agapeland: The Fruit of the Spirit.”)
It was a blessed moment!
Also, it was nice to hear from one of Pat’s longtime bandmates about how he is such a good person of integrity. The man said there’s basically no turnover in Pat’s band because people love working with him so much!
It’s not just what he’s accomplished; it’s about his heart.
Pat loves the Lord and treats people well. And he’s a man of great joy, which I appreciate.
Thank you to Anthony for bringing me along to assist in filming Ryan DeHues, a Michael Buble’-style singer who was scouted by Pat and who, most importantly, loves God. He’s a man of faith who believes in the power of prayer. Ryan’s performance was excellent (both in vocal skill and in stage presence), but the conversations and getting to minister to people Anthony & I met there were some of the best parts, in addition to the answered prayer of meeting Pat.
I enjoyed praying for a server who shared with me that it was his birthday (I love doing birthday prayers!), and I felt purpose in partnering with Anthony
to pray for needs people relayed to us,
to testify together of miracles from our love story, and
to pray for a man we met who hopes to meet his future wife.
That man said he is not walking with the Lord, but his siblings are, and he knows they have been praying for him.
It was a blessing to potentially be an answer to their prayer.
That’s not even everything that happened (!), but I think those are the most important parts.
All in all, a very blessed day.
If there’s anything you want that you’ve been praying for where you don’t see a change, start praying for what *God* wants — for His desires to be fulfilled and for other people to benefit from His intervention and guidance.
Pray not just for your own will but, above all, for His will.
And the crazy thing is, when His will is done, we, too, are blessed.