Anthony & Tiffany Salerno led worship at Canyon Hills' Soar Camp for 8- to 12-year-olds in Frazier Park, California. Canyon Hills used the Salernos' original song, "Soar," as the camp theme song.

Anthony & Tiffany Salerno led worship for children at Aslan Youth Ministries in L'Acajou, Haiti. In this photo, Tiffany raised her arms to perform the actions to their original song, "Like a Tree."
Anthony & Tiffany Salerno are all about helping kids:
• Connect with God.
• Establish their identity in Christ.
• Move in the power and love of the Holy Spirit.
Individually and/or as a couple, they have:
• Had their music featured on film, TV and radio.
• Led worship and character-building songs live for hundreds of thousands of children.
• Logged more than 10,000 studio hours of recording, mixing and mastering music.
• Edited or contributed to multiple books for children and young adults.
• Received the Evangelism Award from Radiance International — Hollywood House of Prayer.

We travel often
Anthony’s parents, Tony and Kathy Salerno, are the founders of the foster care non-profit, Forever Kids, which gives quality suitcases with character-building CDs and books to children in foster care.
Tony is the creator of "Bible Man," and he directed and produced a children's show that aired on NBC. He has authored several books for children, teens and adults and is a Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum producer of children’s music.
Known for producing “Music Machine” and “Bullfrogs and Butterflies” Tony served as an advisor for Anthony & Tiffany Salerno’s album, “I Am a Worshipper.”

Anthony speaks
Anthony's sermons often touch people's hearts because he preaches with passion and conviction. Experienced in speaking to children, teens and adults in multiple states and overseas, Anthony aims to bolster people's faith and help them move spiritually from wherever they are to truly get right with God. His preaching
videos have garnered thousands of views online, and he has a gift for communicating to all ages.